Watch Here:
A new song I wrote, inspired by conversation with one of my songwriting mentors, the lovely David Francey.
Read Here:
For the 20th anniversary of my scolioisis spinal fusion surgery, I wrote a children's book called "Bonnie & Her Brace."
Work With Me Here:
I host songwriting & creative writing workshops.
Check out the details below.
Listen Here:
One of my favourite songs I've written, inspired by a song prompt from the great Kim Richey, about all my treasured memories of my dear grandmother Audrey Eileen Wakeham.
Journal Here:
I have created a 7 day journaling prompt program titled
"7 Days of Inspiration" that I would love to share with you. For the month of December use the coupon code "DEC50" for 50% off.
Write With Me Here:
I have had the honour of writing custom songs for
birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, engagements, etc.
If you are looking for the perfect gift, please get in touch.