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I love putting pen to paper.


I believe that pouring out our

thoughts is a cathartic and

necessary self care practise.


I have been a part of numerous

writing prompt programs and

find it to be such a catalyst for the

creative process and self discovery.


Sometimes my words are flowery

and poetic and pretty.


Sometimes they barely make sense

and I can hardly read what I wrote.


Every time however,

I experience clarity and inspiration.


I decided it was time to create my

own writing prompts for myself and

anyone looking for any of the above.


Join me for 7 days of

inspirational writing prompts.


It is a manageable time commitment

that I believe will have a big impact

and I know you are worth every minute.

7 Days of Inspiration Journaling Prompts

C$20.00 Regular Price
C$10.00Sale Price
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